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Treat your wellbeing like your business

Why do we work so hard, what is it that drives us? Is it the status that a successful business brings, a big bank balance, a big house, nice cars? Is it knowing that we are providing a comfortable life for our family, a good education for our kids, and the prospect of a nice early retirement?

Having a successful business is a great achievement, something to be immensely proud of. It is an outward measure of our success and can bring us a sense of fulfilment. Running a business can take over our lives and we can lose sight of other important measures in our lives, in particular our health

If your life feels like it’s all work and no play then this might be the time to seek positive solutions, just as you would in your business world.

Get motivated by your ‘why’

Does any of this sound familiar—Coming home from work too exhausted to spend time with the family? Burning the midnight oil? Relying on coffee to get yourself through the day? Stress levels so high that the smallest things bother you?

Look, I know it’s tough—we live in a fast-paced society where we feel like we don’t have a second to spare. I think it’s hugely important alongside building a successful business to look after your health and wellbeing so that you can reap the benefits of your hard work.

The number one thing my clients say to me is they lack motivation. Motivation only lasts so long. Look at the gym in January, super busy but then by the end of January that motivation has gone.

Even athletes lack motivation but what they do have is a strong ‘Why’, an unbreakable bond that gets them up and gets them training. Now I’m not saying we must start training like athletes, but I do believe in having a strong ‘Why’, our own athlete mindset if you like.

Here’s my why:              

“I have a huge passion for helping people, I want to help people lead a healthy, balanced life. Full of joy and energy. To feel energised, invigorated and confident in their bodies. I want people to eat nutritious foods without guilt. I want people to have enough energy to run around with the kids at the weekend.”

This is the why that gets me out of bed in the mornings. I truly believe that health is extremely important; exercising regularly keeps me healthy so that I can work hard building a successful business and having an impact on people’s lives.

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Link your success to your fitness goals

You will have you own health goals and they are important, but have you ever asked yourself why? You could have a goal to lose 15lb. But have you ever asked yourself why you want to lose the weight? Why would life be better for you 15lb lighter? Obviously, we want to lose the weight but the feeling of being 15lb lighter is what we really want. The feeling of our clothes fitting better, the feeling of confidence that we’ll gain from losing the weight, the feeling of accomplishment knowing we set a goal and achieved it.

I’m sure you know the answer to your why. In business, you know why you get up in the morning, you know exactly why you are so driven. Motivation for business is just like exercise—it will come and go but having that strong why will keep you going even when times get tough.

Have you ever asked yourself about your health why? What will this new healthier version of yourself gain?
Is it more energy so you can work harder with greater focus and clarity? Is it fitting into that tailored suit or dress feeling confident and powerful? Is it standing up for a presentation with confidence not worrying that anyone is judging you? Is it entering a networking event standing up tall with your shoulders back feeling confident and relaxed instead of skipping the event or hiding in a corner? Is it going for that job promotion knowing that you’ve given yourself the best chance at getting the job because you are confident and assured?

Once we know our why, this will be the driving force towards our goals.

Photo by Flo Karr on Unsplash

People talk about motivation and that will get us out of bed most mornings but it’s having that strong why that will get us out of bed on those mornings when the motivation seems to have deserted us.

You may be driven in our business success, but have you ever linked your success to your health goals? What did you do to become successful in business? Are you applying the same principals to your health? Are you working hard on it like you do in your business? Are you looking after your health like you do your business?

As Simon Sinek says, “The combination of your why and how is as exclusively yours as your fingerprint.”

Now it’s up to you to find yours. What will it be?